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Five Ways to Ensure Models Serve Society - A Manifesto

  • Metadata
  • ==Modelers much not be permitted to project more certainty than their models deserve; politicians must not be allowed to offload accountability to models of their choosing==
  • Mind the assumption
    • Models are often imported from other applications, where the assumptions made are no longer reasonable
    • Require inputs that cant be known for the scenario
    • Global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis should be done to potentially mitigate this
  • Mind the hubris
    • ==Complexity does not equate to accuracy==
    • More parameters means more uncertainty due to the uncertainty cascade effect
  • Mind the framing
    • Model will contain biases from the developers
    • The tool can be easily manipulated by the developers to support or decline a certain point of view
  • Mind the consequences
    • The need to produce numbers can push a discipline away from being roughly right towards being precisely wrong
  • Mind the unknowns
    • Docta ignorantia is a virtue
    • Models can mask or hide ignorance
    • Failure to acknowledge this fact can lead to undesired surprises
    • #quotes "There is no number-answer to your question" - Anthony Faucci